
Showing posts from May, 2019

Εβδομάδα 15: BYU students, pday on a boat, and a jam-packed week!

Hey everybody!! I'm convinced it's not possible to have a bad week here, honestly. *knock on wood* The people are so amazing! Sister Merkel and I have been BUSY. Word of the week: Στακαλακαθούμενα (stahk-a-lahk-a-thoo-mena)! Means "out of the blue" fun to say.  Oh yeah, forgot to mention this earlier. So everyone here greets each other with a hug and kiss on each cheek, girl to guy, reverse, old or young, doesn't matter. That's just what ya do, Haha I'm still getting used to that. 😅 So I'm pretty sure I've talked about my district way too much, but that's only because they're so great. We had such a fun pday this week! We took a boat to the beach but then ended up chillin on it and riding around just enjoying the ride and relaxing. The water is so blue and gorgeous when the sun's out 😍 Then we had lunch together at a pizza place, 5 stars for sure. Found out exactly why we have to watch bike safety videos riding wit

Εβδομάδα 14: dried watermelon and promising investigators (;

FRIENDS N FAM! WHAT A WEEK! everyday I'm here I realize more and more how perfect this mission and these people here are for me.  RECAP: 1 baptismal date set and 3 new investigators in church... aka more θαύματα (MIRACLES)!! Sometimes I feel like its too good to be true, everyday has been SO great!  Little side note: it's pretty funny how many people comment on my "perfect teeth and smile" and associate that with Americans haha, dentist and dental hygiene aren't really a thing here sadly. Anywaysss... We had our first lesson with Κωνσταντίνος on Wednesday...ANDDD we set a BAPTISM date for him! June 29th! He read the entire BoM in 3 months and basically taught the entire 1st lesson, pretty sure he already knows everything, it's CRAZYYY. But yeah, he's way awesome. He lives 4 hours away so we've only been able to keep in contact with him via phone calls, but looks like it was all worth it. He even said he was gonna go to Salt Lake Cit

Εβδομάδα 13: Eat your flowers, mini miracles, the Andersons, and EXCHANGES!

HELLO EVERYONE!!! Quickest and favorite week of my mission by far! The number of mini miracles I have been able to recognize within each day are INCREDIBLE! And pics are to come soon as always 😉 1st off, we had 15 members in sacrament on Sunday! Coming from the US that might seem like nothing but here in Thessaloniki it's a miracle. The church may be small but every member is absolutely amazing. Also something I've taken note of here: If you forget a man's name you basically have a 20% chance of guessing it right because everyone is either 1. Νικόλης (Nicolis) 2.Κωνσταντίνος (Konstantinos) 3.Κόστας (Costas) 4. Ντεμίτρις (Demitris) or 5. Βασίλης (Bill) 😂 So Tuesday morning we were told we'd have a dinner appointment with President and Sister Anderson! I was SO excited because they are seriously the sweetest humans ever. Then we were also told we'd have to cancel any plans from 3-9 on Wednesday since we'd be having a temple/family history meeting a

Εβδομάδα 12: curve balls & faith (and lots of it)

Hey everyone!  Wow what a roller coaster of a week. Plans falling apart, learning how fun, hard, and wonderful missionary work is at the same time, and ultimately just following the Spirit and trusting Heavenly Father in everything. I'm learning to love the people here, but honestly it's easier said than done sometimes 😅 Especially when half the people we plan to meet with cancel last minute or are just complete no-shows. Either way, Sister Merkel and I have continued having great experiences together! Our go-to spot for finding is the center because there's always crowds of people walking through. This past week has been so empty tho, who knew Greece had so many holidays?! Anyways, Αδελφή Merkel and I haven't been having much luck lately and have been getting a little discouraged. We were whiteboard finding for almost 2 hours with the elders with little success. The elders had to leave and we thought we might as well leave with them and try again tomorrow. But