Why a mission?

Having the opportunity to serve a mission has always been in the back of my mind throughout my entire life. However, the decision to actually serve was not the quickest decision I’ve ever made. I have always had the desire to serve, but I wanted to be sure that this was part of Heavenly Father’s plan for me. This past summer I was thinking about a mission a lot, but I still hadn’t received a clear answer. There had been a day when I had just finished reading my patriarchal blessing and felt I needed to continue reading where I had just left off in my scripture study that same morning. I was in Alma 13 and had come across versus 3 and 4, “And this is the manner after which they were ordained--being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God”. Following reading this, another scripture popped into my mind, 3 Nephi 22:13, “And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children”. I felt like these scriptures somehow applied specifically to me. When I was reading those verses I was overwhelmed with so many amazing feelings. I felt so comforted and reassured in a way that I felt I already had my answer. I knew in that moment that I had been foreordained as a missionary, that I was going to be able to be a teacher to God’s children and bring them peace. I knew that I was suppose to serve a mission.

Words cannot express how genuinely happy and absolutely excited I am to serve my brothers and sisters in the beautiful countries of Greece and Cyprus. It is an absolute blessing to be called to serve my Savior and be an instrument in His hands and to help invite our Heavenly Father’s children to come unto Christ, so that they may feel the pure happiness, peace, and comfort that only this gospel brings. I know the Lord needs me more than anyone else right now. He needs all of us to be a missionary in every opportunity we’re given. I know that I could not do this without the power and guidance of the Lord. Without Him I am nothing, but through His power, I have faith that I will be able to fulfill this calling and be a light to those seeking for the truth. I know that the Lord knows my heart and has a plan for me. I know I am a daughter of God and that He loves me. My Savior has blessed my life more than I could have ever imagined. The very least I can do is to give 18 months of my life to Him.

-Kaylee Gale ðŸ’›


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