
Showing posts from November, 2019

Εβδομάδα 41: τέλος pandora ;)

Hey guys! So ya'll can ignore the title it's an inside joke between us Greek speakers and the elders in our district haha. Love them and Greeklish ;) A little bit of a situation over here... a lice outbreak in our branch! Sister Vennerholm and I were luckily able to detect the source of the issue and address it but we are still a little nervous about how much it has spread being that our branch is pretty huggy and really close. BUT sister V and I have been extra precautions and determined to not let it get to us! So far so good so wish us some extra luck! Apparently it's normal for people to have lice here and they don't really do anything about it, nor think it's an issue... super NOT okay in our opinions haha. Besides that our week was great! I love serving with Sister Vennerholm, she is literally my best friend and we can have fun together while actually getting to work! Best of both worlds! She's also now 80/20 set on applying to the BYUs versus


Well I hit my halfway mark this Wednesday! 9 WHOLE MONTHS already?! A year ago I never would  pictured myself where I am now... in Greece of all places, speaking GREEK?!?! and doing the thing that has given me the most joy I have ever felt in my life. I am grateful for all the little things in life that have led me to be where I am today and have helped me become the person I am today. I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father's hand has been in it all. There's nothing I would rather be doing more than sharing this beautiful gospel wearing Christ's name on my chest everyday. My last pday in Athens was living and literally walking in Acts 18! Ancient Corinth! One of the elders made a joke that we should write a note and give it to someone there so we can say we've "written an epistle to the Corinthians" haha. Walking in all these bible places is such a cool experience and it gives us the motivation to continue doing what Paul devoted his life to when as o

Εβδομάδα 39: γεια σας ξανά! 😉

It was my last week in Athens since tomorrow I'll be flying up to serve in Thessaloniki again! We had a pretty eventful pday this past Monday. We found a fish spa which was fun in Μοναστηράκι, a super touristy spot of Athens. Some of the elders met up with us and we walked through the National Gardens, which felt like a Jurassic Park kinda scenery, before we made it to the Temple of Zeus! That was cool and it had another sweet view of the Acropolis. Afterwards we stopped by the Olympic stadium. It is GIGANTO... as in 3 general conference centers kinda giganto! I was sick for 2 days with no voice so that really sucked. But at least I was feeling better to teach our new friend, Grace, for the 1st time! We met her on the metro last week and she's super nice. She's in her early 20s and from Nigeria! She gladly came to the church with an open mind eager to hear the beautiful message we had promised her. We watched the shorted Joseph Smith Restoration video with her and afte

Εβδομάδα 38: A wild one

Καλημέρα σε όλους! It's been an interesting, random week with the ups and downs but that's just mish life for ya! I think we've finally got family home evening going in Athens! As in more than 5 people are actually coming! Most of the time we just play card games, or Greek Monopoly which is way fun. I got to meet an investigator,  Κωνσταντίνος , for the first time. His story is CRAZY. As in crazy times some. We went with Elder Kirkman and Ioannou after saying bye to Elder Amoz and Gaskill since they were headed home (definitely gonna miss them AND they're Greek but I'll see em in the States!). It was pretty hectic trying to get to Κωνσταντίνος' place because we were already late and it was a ways away with the metro. So we decided to go with a taxi which was an adventure to flag down. It was pretty funny seeing Elder Kirkman try to wave them down and get rejected, either because it was just a normal yellow car and not a taxi or the empty taxi's had som