
Showing posts from July, 2019


We about traveled all around Cyrpus this week it was so crazy! Pday was really fun since we went to Λευκάρα (Lefkara) with the elders and explored this super cute village up there. Literally felt like we were walking through a real-life pinterest board! The next day Sister Kruger and I picked up the Elders again and we drove down to Λεμεσός (Limmosal) for Zone council. It was really great! We did lots of role plays in Greek answering questions about the 10 commandments and then answering and linking our answer to teach the Restoration. Point being made that the Restoration needs to be the basis of everything, no wonder it's the 1st lesson we teach! We haven't had language study all week since we've been so busy so when we were up for the role play I panicked a bit since I haven't taught in Greek for for so long, but we bared through and taught simply which is also extremely important. That night we had a HUGE combined zone finding activity and put together a soccer

Εβδομάδα 23: "Sister Gale it's Alcohol!"... WHOOPS!

Quite an eventful week over here! Officially drove on the opposite side of the road and didn't die!! SO that's a miracle in itself! 90% of the time we still ride our bikes/walk but when we visit investigators in villages farther out we get to use the new car! English mode is officially switched ON, Greek mode just kinda flickers here and there but I think all but one mini lesson was in English. We also haven't really had time for language study, since lessons actually fell through this week, so SYL (speak your language) between Sister Kruger and I has been huge because when we are eventually transferred back to Greece we'll need to be speaking Greek again!  We had a pretty noteworthy and definitely memorable experience while finding haha. So we were walking by some homes and stopped to talk to this little old Greek lady who was mopping her patio to ask if she needed any help. She didn't want our help but invited us inside the gated patio and had her Indi

Εβδομάδα 22: Island feels... CAUTION: TOO HOTTT!

HELLO FROM LARNACA CYPRUS! Wow this place is so NOT Greece, well at least not Thessaloniki where I just was. Walking off the plane was like going straight into a sauna, HOLY HOTTT. Humidity is a killer. My new companion and the senior couple, the Grover's, picked me up from the airport, they are so sweet! My new companion is Sister Kruger! She's from England and has been out for almost 11 months. AND, she has the cutest English accent, I LOVE IT! She's a literal angel and I'm really excited to serve with her! We clicked really quick and had a super great 1st week together! Honestly could be one of my favorite weeks of my mission so far, I feel so at home here on this little island :)  There are so many people from the Philippines and Africa here! As in Greek people: I feel like don't really exist, at least not everywhere like in Greece. And then the ones we do find are Cypriot and speak a really weird Greek, think you just call it Cypriot, so its kinda hard

Εβδομάδα 21: CYPRUS HERE I COME! Out with the greenie days!

WHATS UP EVERYONE?! Sooo I'm getting transferred to CYPRUS!☀️ My new area will be in Λάρνακα (Larnaca), aka the closest area in any mission to the HOLY LAND JERUSALEM! Crazyyyy. Transfer calls were Friday night, my very 1st one! Sister Merkel did NOT want to leave Thessaloniki, and I was really worried about taking over the area so President Anderson is quite an inspired man Haha. 😉 Being the procrastinator I am, I've got a LOT of packing to do tonight because I fly out tomorrow! Also, I finished my training and am no longer a greenie, whoop whoop! 😎 We had the greatest week! And basically visited all the branch members, less-actives, and investigators we have had since I've gotten here because I knew I would be leaving since last Friday just not sure where. Little sad, but I'm pretty sure I'll be back in Thess at one point in my mish. The Stillos sisters, Ειρήνη and Γεωργία, took us up to the roof before I left to get a real look of the city, Greece sure is b


HEY ALL! So it was a bit of a different week then the normal missionary life we're used to. Sister Merkel and I, as well as the the zone leaders in Athens and Cyprus are on the Facebook content crew! Which means everything on the Greek and Cyprus FB pages is made by yours truly. 😇 It's really fun and right up my alley being an artsy, creative-ish person! We were put in charge of making a video for the Greek church page and have been working on filming that a lot this week since the deadline is coming up quick. We're really excited and hopefully it turns out as cool as we're picturing it! Grateful my friend Elder Ellsworth serving over in Thailand has good ideas and helped me figure out something fun, but we're basically just making a copycat of the Thailand church video haha but this ones all in GREEK! 😉 And then my pretty talented cousin Quinton said he'd help us put the video together since we have no time to figure out how to do that as missionaries Hah