
Showing posts from January, 2020

Εβδομάδα 50: kissed mid prayer LOLZ

新年快樂!!  恭喜發財!!  well 1st off, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! 🎎🏮🐉⛩💮👘🎉  It was a good one, this week :))) I just gotta share how amazing and thankful I am for the miracles technology brings! I've recognized 10 fold how this is absolutely a tool the Lord has blessed us with to bring about His work in these Latter days. In D&C 90:11 we can see, " For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power, by the administration of the Comforter, shed forth upon them for the revelation of Jesus Christ ." I'm witnessing this prophecy be fulfilled full time, with a front row seat, everyday. Particularly with our friends we're teaching right now! Lemme explain. Kourosh, Nafas, and fam So first, our wonderful Persian family! They are so so close to their baptisms and always ask about it, I love it! We have been able to skype in a seni

Εβδομάδα 49: Mafia lookout

Γειααα ξανά! Anddd yet another week came and went. Sister Vennerholm and I just realized we could only have 2 more weeks together which is sad stuff because we love serving with each other, having a best friend in a companion seriously makes your mission either fly by or just drag on. Maybe Heavenly Father will bless us with a 3rd transfer together but... Θα δούμε! Little tender mercy happened during my exchange with Sister Campbell on Thursday. We were walking back to the church after doing some finding with the Elders along the sea and these 3 men say, "hi sisters!" as we walk by them. To other missionaries NOT in Greece this is probably pretty normal but here that literally NEVER happens, because no one knows who we are. We turned around really excited saying hi back to them and asked them if they were members. They said, "yes we are from the Philippines!" So I was automatically 10Xs more intrigued haha. 1 outta 3 of em was a member! I told them I had a

Εβδομάδα 48: Greeks haven't changed since Paul's time

So Monday...start of the week, well...let's just say I coulda been smarter and ended up not being able to walk anywhere. The way things were looking/feeling I couldn't say I was totally fine because I very well coulda done a lot more damage than I did to my shin. Talking with my family I was really scared that I fractured my tibia and would have no choice but to go home. So basically the entirety of Monday night till mid Tuesday day I was thinking of ways I could beg President Anderson to stay on my mission IF I did do something to my leg and just praying really really hard I wouldn't have to. At this point, reflecting on things and thinking how much I did NOT want to go home, I realized how much I absolutely LOVE my mission and being a missionary. Yeah it's way hard here, especially spiritually, let alone the Greek language, but I do not feel like I have served my purpose here quite just yet. So the docs update: lil dent on my tibia, damage to the soft tissue with a go

Εβδομάδα 47: Καλή Χρονιά! 🎉

Think one of my new years resolutions is gonna have to be not turning into an ice cube these next few months because as soon as the sun goes down it is FREEZINGGG!! Especially when we bike by the sea front on a daily... gonna be a long one. Tuesday and Wednesday were really quick days because we had meetings in the morning and then had to be back in our apartments by 6 for safety reasons for new years. Lucky us we got permission to watch some movies so we had 2 movie nights watching some solid classics, "Remember the Titans" and "Chronicles of Narnia"! So that was way fun just chillin with Sister Venerholm basically having a girls night haha, felt like we were in college. We found a new friend this week! His name is Youssef and he speaks Arabic so that's super cool. Thankfully he knows English too so we teach him that way. We met him at a Book of Mormon finding activity Wednesday afternoon. He was intrigued by all the languages we had laid out of the Boo