Εβδομάδα 75: and that's a wrap

An eternity to prepare for my mission, an eternity to reflect, but only 18 months to live it. I can't even try to express in words what my mission means because it's everything to me. I've come to learn so much more the reality of God's love, the enabling joy the Atonement of Jesus Christ has as we utilize it in our everyday lives, the power of the Book of Mormon, and SO MUCH MORE. I am so grateful he trusts me enough to still allow me to be serving him at this special time. Over 30,000 missionaries have been sent home because of COVID-19. I am lucky enough to stay. It has not been easy but why should it be? It's the Lord's work, there is always opposition, but he is on our side and the work will prevail. 

All the teary goodbyes were rough but I couldn't have imagined a better final week in Thessaloniki. It has definitely become my 2nd home as I've spent more than half of my time in the field here! I don't like to think of myself as much of a cryer but then I think about what my mom tells me every time we say bye to someone... it's okay to cry and be sad, it just means you love them. And I sure do ♡ it'll most definitely be a joyful reunion one day! 

Early in the week we were out and about and got to do some unplanned finding. Might not be able to walk up to people but that doesn't mean people can't come up to us ;) We were in Αγία Σοφία, a giant Greek Orthodox church admiring the sacredness, culture, and beautiful details of the church, when an older gentleman approached us. We weren't wearing our tags because we remove them as a respect thing before entering so the man couldn't tell who we were. He ask us where we were from and if we were enjoying his country. Of course we responded yes and proceeded to have a really good conversation with him and 3 more of his friends who  joined us. He told us that we should just stay here because they need more people like us after finding out our purpose as missionaries. The men were all very Orthodox but also very intrigued as to what we believe.

There's just nothing quite like testifying of our Savior, His divinity, His gospel, and all the fundamental sacred truths I know to be true to these men in such a sacred place for them, surrounded by paintings of Christ, Παναγία, Saints, and the 12 Apostles, which all hold such a high place and are so respected in this culture. As we left that conversation and were exiting the church, Sister Edwards goes, "you guys, we just preached in a Greek Orthodox church! I don't know if we were suppose to do that haha." Well they asked the questions and we just answered them ;)  It was a really cool experience to be had for sure.

We flew to Athens on Saturday and have been making our rounds with the members here as well. Being that we only have a select amount of members, we build really good, close relationships with them. 

Sunday night we went to Mars Hill for the sunset and had a mini testimonies meeting as our little trio. Sister Edward's went 1st and it was so bitter sweet. I can't believe we started this whole thing together way back in our long MTC days. We've never served around each other until our last 4 weeks where we got to be in this fav trio! After her it was my turn and was choking over my words and I looked at both of them, Book of Mormon in my arms, looking over the whole of Athens. I've said it before and I'll never take it back. I have absolutely loved my mission. Best decision I've ever made. Sister Kidd's grandpa also passed away last night so she's been having a rough day so being able to share our testimonies with her was truly special. Even if they were in Greek and she's still learning, she said she was so touched by the Spirit that we each felt. 
I'm so so excited to see my family but also, it keeps hitting me more and more that I have to leave all this and all these people I love and who have impacted my life so much. After we finished, wiping our teary eyes, we were laughing thinking what all these people around us think as they see us 3 girls in a circle just crying then laughing then crying again haha. Oh the memories. I couldn't ask for better companions. Also another favorite part of my mission.

Just wanted to leave you all with another power  verse from the Book of Mormon. 
2 Nephi 22: 2 "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation."

It is my testimony that Christ lives. The fullness of the gospel has been restored and continues to be through our living prophets and apostles. The Book of Mormon is true and is the sickle, the preeminent net, the precious record, and the tool to the gathering of Israel. We will be drawn closer to our Savior like never before as we abide by its precepts and study the teaching and precious doctrine found in its pages. I've seen this 1st hand not only in my life but in the lives of so many I've been blessed to know this past year and a half. I testify that President Russell M Nelson is the Lord's prophet who receives continual revelation to lead us in the unprecedented times we face today. We can trust him to keep us on the straight and narrow path that will prepare and lead us safely to our Heavenly home one day. This world may continually change but we can seek personal revelation to receive a witness for ourselves of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God's way are unchanging and His love constant. 

Alrighty, well I'll see y'all in 2! ... DAYS ;)

Till the work is done! 
and for the last time...
Love always,
Αδελφή Γκεϊλ 

1-9 Thessaloniki goodbyes
10-13 Mar's hill testimonies 
14 last visit with Λουκία in Athens 


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