Εβδομάδα 46: "it's a GHETTO!"

Φίλοι και οικογένεια!

Jenny Oaks Baker concert was a hit! They were so amazing and our 65-ish friends who were able to make it LOVED it! They're such a talented family and absolutely brought the true spirit of Christmas into everyone's hearts. I didn't realize it till a little later but President Anderson is actually the executive producer of her CD so that's way cool! He has connections with everyone I swear!

We got more creative with our finding activities and decided to try a hot chocolate stand and pass out light the world CDs this week! It was FREEZING tho! The wind kept blowing away the whiteboard so it was basically a half disaster and half success haha, but ya live and learn right?! We had some good natural conversations tho which was really nice, and people seemed to be more open when we kindly offered them hot coco instead of going straight into gospel discussions. It was funny because we met a guy named Arpit (REALLY close I know haha). The elders were trying to hold in their laughter but then when he repeated his name out load they had to turn away haha.

I LOVED CHRISTMAS DAY for a few reasons. Number 1 being that I gotta talk to my most favorite people who I love more than anything. We also got to have a Christmas lunch with the Senior couple and our Elders! Nothing better than being with the mish fam when your away from your own fam right?! We did a fun white elephant exchange and the Harrops gifted us all Christmas socks! Think the funniest gift was a manikin hand and arm with a little American flag with it haha. Then we baked TONS of cookies to make little goodie bags for all the members! The Stillos also had us over and made a little Christmas dinner!

Had another lesson with Κική! It was funny because she told us she didn't want to meet in the center like normal because "έχει παρά πόλους πακιστανοί και αστυνομία, είναι ενα γέττο (there are too many Pakistanians and police, it's a ghetto!) Hahaha. So we ended up having a lesson with the Harrops at their place. We taught in Greek again and translated parts for the Harrops to be able to contribute some. We taught the plan of Salvation and we had such an amazing discussion about our purpose of our lives on Earth! We ultimately are sent here to be tried and tested, to learn and grow with our families, and have the ability to apply the Savior's Atonement and become perfect in Him. 

Now I just have to point out here, the word "perfect" is so much better in Greek. Sorry not sorry. But let me explain why. So the word for "perfect" in Greek is "τέλειος" with the root "τέλος" meaning "reached, achieved, complete, to fulfill potential." Whereas the English "perfect" simply means "without mistake". In the scriptures we read in Matthew 5:48 to "be ye therefore perfect", and in English that is just meaning to be without mistake, which is merely impossible. But in Greek you can understand more clear that we are really being told to "be ye therefore FULFILLED, ACHIEVED, COMPLETE" or to FULFILL YOUR POTENTIAL! Understanding this, we know that this life here is full of trying our absolute best and allowing ourselves to become purified and life long disciples of Christ as we become  perfect through His infinite and eternal Atonement. It was a really great lesson with Kiki and she is so excited to get baptized, her goal is sometime in January!

As always, we've been visiting a lot of our returning members. On Saturday we stopped by Χρισούλα'ς again to drop off cookies and found that her sister, Κυριακή, was there! We have been meaning to try and meet her since she is on our list of returning members as well! So It worked out and we got to see both of them together! We weren't able to stay long but were able to talk and get to know them more. They were both baptized together in Thessaloniki and still remember that day. I actually love asking returning members to tell us about the day they were baptized because then they're able to reflect on what a wonderful day it was and the feelings and Spirit they felt in their lives then. 

Afterwards we went over to the Stillo's to do some service for them. We were cleaning off bookshelves and cubbies and ended up finding 20+ Greek copies of the Book of Mormon! Well these woulda been handy when we completely ran out a bit ago! Except most of them we wouldn't have been able to use since they were either painted, all the pages were folded, covers cut, or just basically destroyed in some way to make them into decorations. There was even a stack of them painted white and made to look like Santorini steps haha, who woulda thought?!

Some spiritual goodness from Ether 12:27!
"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

The Spirit not only allows us to recognize our weaknesses, but He is also able to show us our STRENGTHS! Sometimes we need to ask what we are doing right so that the Lord can lift and encourage us. One huge way we an be reminded of our divine potential is through our patriarchal blessings. I know Heavenly Father rejoices every single time we take a step forward, closer to Him. To Him, our DIRECTION is of much greater importance than the speed we go. Our mortal lives now are laying the foundation for our eternal progression. I hope that each of us will apply the Atonement in our loves and strive to become better each day because spiritual growth must be a priority in our lives! If it isn't we will only miss out on the wonderful experiences that God has in store for us.

This week I was studying one of President Spencer W. Kimball's talks and this really stuck out to me. He said: “I have learned that where there is a prayerful heart, a hungering after righteousness, a forsaking of sins, and obedience to the commandments of God, the Lord pours out more and more light until there is finally power to pierce the heavenly veil. ... A person of such righteousness has the priceless promise that one day he shall see the Lord’s face and know that he is.”

I testify to you all that this ultimate experience can be ours someday as we allow the Holy Ghost to lead us home!


Sister Gale

1-5 Καλά Χριστούγεννα!
6 thanks fam for the little ornament craft!
7-9 Jenny Oaks baker convert and my fav kiddos


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