Εβδομάδα 75: and that's a wrap
An eternity to prepare for my mission, an eternity to reflect, but only 18 months to live it. I can't even try to express in words what my mission means because it's everything to me. I've come to learn so much more the reality of God's love, the enabling joy the Atonement of Jesus Christ has as we utilize it in our everyday lives, the power of the Book of Mormon, and SO MUCH MORE. I am so grateful he trusts me enough to still allow me to be serving him at this special time. Over 30,000 missionaries have been sent home because of COVID-19. I am lucky enough to stay. It has not been easy but why should it be? It's the Lord's work, there is always opposition, but he is on our side and the work will prevail. All the teary goodbyes were rough but I couldn't have imagined a better final week in Thessaloniki. It has definitely become my 2nd home as I've spent more than half of my time in the field here! I don't like to think of myself as much of a cryer b