Eβδομάδα 72: unfinished business

Guess who is back in Thessaloniki... yet again?! 3rd times the charm right?? So yeah, didn't see that one coming in the slightest since transfers already happened 2 weeks ago and I was supposedly gonna be finishing my mission in Athens. BUT I suppose this is yet another testament to me that the Lord is in charge and He's always got bigger and better plans ahead. Best part about this unexpected transfer call was that Sister Kidd was going with me! It woulda been a lot harder for me to leave Athens if I had to leave her behind too. GOD KNOWS US YOU GUYS! 
Also, I'm in a trio again, this time with Sister Edwards! My MTC companion :) looks like we'll be getting to start and finish this whole thing together! So I'll get to show both Sister Kidd and Edwards the ins and outs of Thess since both of them are new to the area. 

Being back has actually been really really great. Man I have missed these members so much! I've been in contact with them since being in Athens but I left out the small detail of me returning so I could surprise them. And boy have those been some joyful reunions these past few days. I think my favorite was with the Chapi family. The girls were out on the balcony anxiously waiting for the sisters to come since they LOVE the sisters. I noticed they were there so I tried to sneak around to the door but they saw me and told they're mom "Sister Gale is here!" But Sister Chapi had told them, "no no, she can't be she's still in Athens." The girls saw right tho so to Sister Chapi's surprise she opened the door to me!! He face was priceless and that was a hug I sure missed. The whole family was there and we prepared a mini thought about who Jesus Christ is. I always enjoy hearing the girls' little, thoughtful testimonies. Christ makes our lives so simple. Think about a life without Him... not very fun huh? His character, His life, His purpose... everything for our sake. 

We also had not 1 but 2 visits with our fav Brother Todi! Bless him and the effort he puts into making the missionaries food. His skills have improved tho I will say haha. He had us and the 4 elders over 2Xs and was still preparing food nearly the entire time we were squished in his little home. Since he loves to sing we all sing with him "The Spirit of God" and had a little discussion of the light of Christ within each of us and discussed Moroni 7:16-19. What a blessing each of us have and then such a gift we receive when we our baptized and promised the Holy Ghost as our constant companion. 
Oh yeah Brother Todi also recently purchased a motorcycle that is just about the same size as him and only goes up to 20km/h... so seeing him cruising around on that thing is quite the scene lemme tell ya.  

Okay now the Tanto family. Oh how I have missed them! They reminded me of when I was 1st getting emergency transferred to Athens and when I called them to break the news in tears and how hard that was for both them and me. And now here I am! A mini miracle it is to have the opportunity to see them again. We had a spiritual thought about God's love for us as His children. What a special piece of knowledge that is. Being a son or daughter of such a divine, loving being. 

It's been great to actually be busy again! I think I've introduced Sister Kidd and Edwards to most of the members now and they love em just as much as I do! Sister Kidd has told me countless times throughout this week that the kind of relationship that I have with the members here is all she ever wants and that just makes my heart so happy. The relationships I've created are one of the best parts of my mission. Something I will forever cherish.

Just a lil thought for y'all from 3 Nephi 13:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
We must be careful not to replace the most important things with the most pressing things!
I know that sometimes I'm a victim of this. I love my check lists and sometimes I let the most important things get bumped down the list by doing the pressing things first. I've realized I get everything done (and if not, I at least get the most important things done) when I seek first to do those things of eternal importance. That's what truly brings feelings of success and joy in a day. Try it! I think you'll feel it too!

μέχρι την επόμενη εβδομάδα!
Αδελφή Γκεϊλ

1-3 11+ mile hiking pday!
4 your fav Thess sisters ;)
5 gonna miss Athens and these views 
6-7 baptism beach cleaning 


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