Εβδομάδα 68: APOSTLE approved..

Elder Uchtdorf reposted a video our mission made about how we've been doing missionary work since the quarantine on his personal instagram and facebook! We've got first hand apostle approval for the work going on here. That's pretty dang cool. 

Everything country wise is back to normal now minus social distancing. Schools even started back up. We were out with our district walking around Μοναστηράκι on pday and some lady called us out saying we're gonna turn into America if we don't stand 2 meters apart since we were all standing together haha. We all kinda chuckled under our breath and nearly told her we were from the states, but then she might have actually freaked out, so we didn't. 

Our Filipino members had us over for dinner Sunday night which was so enjoyable. I love the kinda, warm-hearted, friendly spirit they constantly have! Found out that one of the members, Cleo, had actually found and converted to the church in Hong Kong in 2000, just a few years after my parents returned from serving there! That was a sweet little connection to find. 

We filmed a super cool piano music video for our Sunday devo. Elder Kirkman played a beautiful arrangement of "The Master's hand". It depicts Christ from before He was even born, His life, crucifixion, and resurrection. Emphasizing His hand in everything. I'm pretty sure it's my new favorite video we've put together so far. 
Its actually really neat having all these videos to look back on to see exactly what we've accomplish during our quarantine days.

A lot of times it's hard to know how much good we are actually doing here. I've seen this principle countless times on my mission. But I find this quote quite fitting, "Great causes are not won in a single generation". That statement is so true. I can't say the church here has changed much at all in my last (nearly) 16 months here but it isn't meant to change that quickly. We just have to continue going about doing good and the great causes will all eventually be one by the Lord, whose great cause it it!

I love you all, I pray for you all!

Καλή εβδομάδα!

με αγάπη,
Αδελφή Γκεϊλ 

1-2 Thortons took us sea glass hunting
3 Μοναστηράκι
4-5 mask life 
6 Filipino fam


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